<aside> ❗ This page is the guide for the Stock Level Pricing for WooCommerce plugin. This plugin lets you change the prices of your products automatically as their stock decreases. You can raise prices or give discounts automatically, without having to update each price by hand.


User manual


Free version:

  1. Download the plugin from wp.org – https://wordpress.org/plugins/stock-level-pricing/
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin. Choose a file (for the file you downloaded in step 1).
  3. Install Now and Activate Plugin.
  4. Double-check if you have WooCommerce activated.

Premium version:

  1. Download the Premium plugin from the email you received after purchase or visit https://users.freemius.com/login, and enter your credentials to access the buyer dashboard, where you can find the premium version of the plugin and license key.
  2. Before installing the Premium version of the plugin, please disable the Free version if you still run it.
  3. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin. Choose file (for the file you downloaded in step 1).
  4. Install Now and Activate Plugin.
  5. Double-check if you have WooCommerce activated.

Popular errors

In case you see an error saying:

<aside> ❗ Fatal error:

Cannot declare class ComposerAutoloaderInit00e8679be6824c83a88ea5e130babba2, because the name is already in use


Please double-check if you still have the Free version activated, deactivate it, and then try starting the Premium plugin once more.

Free and Premium version differences

Free wp.org version

Works with Simple and Variable products

Global Stock Level Pricing Rules

Stock Level Pricing Table on product page

Flat Pricing type

Download from WordPress.org

Premium version

All Free version features

Percentage based pricing type

Increase or decrease price by %

Display decreased price as Sale price

Purchase Premium version

The Free and Premium versions of the plugin share many features; however, the Free version lacks some advanced functionalities. Both versions allow you to create stock level pricing rules for simple and variable products, as well as global rules that apply to entire categories or selected products.

In the Free version, you can only set a flat price adjustment per unit remaining in stock. In contrast, the Premium version offers more flexibility by allowing you to set percentage-based discounts or price increases as stock levels change. This feature enables dynamic pricing strategies that can help manage inventory more effectively and encourage purchases.

The Free version is available to everyone of wp.org:

Stock Level Pricing

And to get access to all the premium features you can upgrade from you wp-admin panel, if you already have free version installed:


Or you can purchase it right from here:


The plugin is distributed through Freemius, so after you buy a license, all the data - premium plugin zip, licence key and credentials to the dashboard, will be sent to your email address.

Plugin Settings

This guide explains how to configure the settings for the Stock Level Pricing plugin in WooCommerce. The settings page allows you to customize how stock level pricing rules are displayed and applied on your product pages.

Accessing the Settings Page

  1. Navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings.
  3. Click on the Products tab.
  4. Select the Stock Level Pricing section.


Configuration Options

Here is a detailed explanation of each setting available on the Stock Level Pricing settings page:

Show Pricing Table

So, if you want to show your customers how price of product adjusts with change of stock - enable this option.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 18.21.45.png

The stock level pricing table design depends on the table view of your theme.

You can also see that current stock level pricing rule is highlighted.

Further you can customise titles of columns present in the stock level table. You can write anything to be used as title for the column.

Stock Level Column

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 18.22.11.png

Note that you will set only one value in the pricing rule (more details on this are provided later), but it is always displayed as a range in the table. Additionally, it is always calculated as a decrease. For example, if you set a value of 10 in the first pricing rule, then this rule will apply to 1 to 10 pieces left in stock. If the next rule is set for 20, then it will apply to 11 to 20 pieces left in stock.

Percentage Change Column

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 18.22.34.png

If you use 'percentage' pricing, the value here will match the value you set in the pricing rule. If you use 'fixed' pricing, the percentage change will be calculated from the difference between the regular and sale prices set in the pricing rule. If only the regular price is set (without a sale price), then the percentage difference is calculated between the product's regular price and the price set by the pricing rule.

Price Column

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 18.22.53.png

If you use 'percentage' pricing, you will see the final cost here, calculated after applying a percentage deduction or increase to the regular product price. If you use 'fixed' pricing, it will display either the 'regular' or 'sale' price, depending on which one you are using.

Table Explainer

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 18.23.18.png

Enter the explanatory text that will help users understand the pricing table.

Adjust Price by %


How to use: Choose whether the percentage adjustment should increase or decrease the product price. For example, if you expect the product price to rise as stock decreases over time, select 'increase.' This will make the products more expensive as more units are sold. Or if you want to offer discounts on the product when fewer pieces are left in stock, select 'decrease.’

Display % Discounted Price As


How to use: Choose whether the discounted price should be displayed as the regular price or the sale price. If you prefer not to show the default product price (for example, when increasing the price), use 'regular price.' If you want to highlight the benefits to your customers (e.g., when reducing prices), use 'sale price'; this will display both the default product price and the price set by the stock level pricing rule in the store. Note that this option is only applicable for 'percentage' type pricing. When using 'fixed' type pricing, the display will depend on whether you have entered both 'regular' and 'sale' prices, or just the 'regular' price.

Premium Features

Some of settings are only available in the premium version of the plugin, since ‘percentage’ type of pricing isn’t available in the free version.

Saving Changes

Once you have configured all the settings as desired, click the Save changes button to apply your settings.

Clearing WooCommerce Cart Cache

The plugin automatically clears the WooCommerce cart cache when settings are updated to ensure that price adjustments are reflected correctly.